Graduated from the The Institut Heilpraktiker (Barcelona, Spain)
Member of the APTN-COFENAT
(Association de Professionnels en Thérapies Naturelles)
Member #10841
My interest for natural medicine and diet was born 15 year ago when I left France to go live in London. At this time, I was not finding any solution within the field of traditional medicine to help me cure some chronic health issues so I decided to turn to natural medicines (phytotherapy, oligotherapy, Schüssler´s salts, aromatherapy, Bach´s flowers…). It was only when I moved to Barcelona 10 years ago that this interest turned into a real passion. I was lucky to meet a therapist who opened my eyes on just how important our diet is on health in general. With some simple changes into my diet, and the take of some natural supplements, I was able to solve my chronic health issues very effectively.
I then took on various research and slowly strengthen my knowledge in regarding to diet and more generally our digestive system. My way to consider health as whole was changed. I discovered a fascinating universe and found out that:
we are responsible of our health
the way we eat constitutes our base and plays a major role on our psyche
from a lack of information, most people do not eat in the right way
When I finally realized how important the choices we make on our diet are (it is the pillar of our health) and also that each of us has a fantastic and very powerful potential to auto-cure of ourselves, I decided to turn my passion into my work. Becoming a naturopath was a choice to be able to:
Advise and educate people on the best way to eat and develop healthy habits to prevent sickness before it even presents itself.
Give « keys » to people and empower them to develop healthy habits to increase their energy and their well-being through natural ways.
Make everyone aware that we are all the main actors of our health.
I invite everyone who wants to do a check up on their health or who is interested to consider natural ways to help them with their health issues to come and see me. In our first session (2 hours) we will do a complete check up of your specific problems, I will conduct a detailed health check to enlighten potential issues or weaknesses and if necessary recommend the appropriate natural treatment. This first session also includes a test of potential food intolerances as well as advices for your diet (the pillar to our well-being). For more information on the method I use, please go to the Sections « What is Electro-Acupuncture? (according to Voll) » and « Test of food intolerances ».
I consult in French, Spanish and English.

The food intolerance test is based on the fact that food, like any other chemical substance, creates an electromagnetic radiation and can have a certain influence at molecular level.
Naturopathy is an alternative medicine also preventive and educational, acknowledged by the World Health Organization. This medicine is based on the use of substances exclusively natural (phytotherapy, oligotherapy, diet, lifestyle…)
to re-balance people´s health...
The "Functional organometry" also known as "Electro-acupuncture" according to Voll (EAV) is a diagnostic and therapeutic method with biophysical basis, which measure the energy of the acupuncture points and thus have accurate information about the patient’s functional status, its organs and systems....

First consultation: 130 euros (2 hours)
Follow-up consultation: 80 euros (1 hour)
Children (up to 15 years): 80 euros (1 hour)
Online session: 80 euros